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Peter Tatchell

Peter Gary Tatchell is a British human rights campaigner, originally from Australia, best known for his work with LGBT social movements. The Peter Tatchell Foundation promotes and protects the human rights of individuals, communities and nations, in the UK and internationally. Its initiatives include furthering Human Rights in the Commonwealth, Qatar, and Russia. LGBTQ-Muslim solarity, and aims to ‘Reclaim Pride’ from commercialism. 

Join us for an evening to see Peter Tathcell talk about his foundation, experience and lessons that he has learnt as an activist especially with his recent campaigns on Qatar and the Commonwealth. During the World Cup last year Tatchell staged a protest in Qatar and interacted heavily with officials there. 


Also supports self-determination of West Papua’s right to self determination, and demands that Gotabaya Rajapaksa (the former president of Sri Lanka) is prosecuted by the International Criminal Court at the Hague on charges of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.

Its LGBTQ work aims to ‘Set out the economic argument for decriminalising homosexuality in countries like Jamaica, Saudi Arabia and Nigeria; showing how criminalisation is economically disadvantageous because it deters tourism and foreign investment, and creates a brain-drain of skilled LGBTI people who leave to live in more LGBT-friendly countries.

It also aims to ‘Defending free speech and freedom of expression, including challenging censorship and attempts to criminalise people who merely hold disagreeable opinions and cause offence’. 

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16 February

What Can Tomorrow’s Peacemakers Learn from Northern Ireland

24 February

Pub Quiz